Creating dummy datasets can come in handy when we require a small data to test logic of our code. Due to small size, these dummy datasets provide us with the advantage of running a complex logic on a smaller number of records, resulting in faster execution and quicker/easier testing of output.
1.1: SAS:
In SAS, the easiest way to create dummy data within the Programming editor is by using datalines. , e.g.
data Math;
INPUT a b ;
75 0.36
-42 0.50
17 -2.57
10 3.54
-1 -1.99
The output window shows the data as:
Obs a b
1 75 0.36
2 -42 0.50
3 17 -2.57
4 10 3.54
5 -1 -1.99
To create this dummy data in PYTHON, we can use pandas library, and input the dummy data as a dictionary with keys and values for the columns a and b, as shown below.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[75, -42, 17, 10, -1],
'b':[0.36, 0.5, -2.57, 3.54, -1.99]})
The dataframe df here shows the same data output, but with an additional Index column.
We will discuss indexes in a future post.
a b
0 75 0.36
1 -42 0.50
2 17 -2.57
3 10 3.54
4 -1 -1.99
For datasets with String values, the datalines statement in SAS would be different, as the input variables have string values. An example of this would be:
data Data_String;
input Name $15. Department $20. Rank $15. ;
Katrina Kaif Public Relations Director
Danish Sait HR Director
Kabir Khan IT Director
Cindee Law Events Consultant
Sidney Poirot Marketing Editor
Mike Morgan HR Editor
run ;
To do the same in Python, I am going to use dictionaries with a list of String values.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name':['Katrina Kaif', 'Danish Sait', 'Kabir Khan ', 'Cindee Law', 'Sidney Poirot', 'Mike Morgan'],
'Department':['Public Relations', 'HR', 'IT', 'Events', 'Marketing', 'HR'],
'Rank':['Director', 'Director', 'Director', 'Consultant', 'Editor', 'Editor']},
columns=['Name', 'Department', 'Rank'])
Please refer to the ones mentioned below in the suggestions:
1: Data Manipulation - Math Functions - Part 1
2: Data Manipulation - Math Functions - Part 2
3: Data Manipulation - String Functions - Part 1
4: Data Manipulation - String Functions - Part 2
Further, you can find all my code and tutorials on my github page: